Sponsors and friends
My Dream Planet team as well as rangers and management of Maasai Mara national park (Kenya) from the bottom of the heart express gratitude to all who contributed to the wild nature protection and cheetahs of Mara in particular. Your help will never be forgotten, regardless of its size.
Our regular sponsors and partners:
– International online travel agency XGO.ru – thank you for the provided air tickets and hotels for our staff and also for transferring us a part of profits from each sold ticket or room in a hotel.
– Online magazine Zoographia – thank you for the informational and sponsorship support. The Zoographia magazine transfers a part of funds to our foundation from each issued subscription. Thus, each subscriber automatically becomes our sponsor.
– NORTER Development – thanks for your help with developing our website.
Our friends who contributed to the developing of our foundation of made donations:
Thank you: Michael Wolf, Martin Prohazka, Sonya Lester, Igor Firsoff, Irina Kursinova, Gepard-English company, Elena, Tatiana Zhuravleva, Elena Churakova, Alexandra Petrunina, Elena Butina, Natalya Knyazeva, Victoria, Zalina, Irina Rybak, Olga Gerbich, Vladimir, Lyubov Lesnyak, Elena Troitskaya, Ekaterina Bakhturova, Natalia Gaivoronskaya, Olga, Aleksander, Eugenij, Anastasia Malykh, Anna Arutyunyan, Julia, Alice Kaplun, Lena Scherbina, Svetlana Povysheva and all the others who wished to remain anonymous.