Cheetahs problems
Cheetah is a relatively new kind of cat family but despite this it is already on the verge of extinction. Scientists from different countries have come to an agreement that the probability of extinction of this kind is quite high. Unless, of course, the situation will not revolutionary change in the nearest future.
Even in Maasai Mara National Reserve which is, by the way, objectively considered to be one of the best among parks of this kind - great climate and a wide variety of animals - cheetahs’ life is not easy. So what disturbs cheetahs of Mara?
First of all, these are natural enemies. Though cheetah is the fastest animal in the world but unfortunately not the strongest one. It’s almost impossible for them to compete for food with more aggressive rivals (hyenas, lions). And, as a rule, it’s easier for cheetah to step back and start searching for a new lunch rather than engage in a battle knowing in advance that it will lose.
Second big problem is local farmers who break the law and more and more often use the territory of Maasai Mara searching for new pastures for livestock, thus reducing the habitat of wild animals. Female cheetahs raise their offspring alone. In conditions of decreasing natural habitat it becomes more and more complicated for mothers to find a safe place for rearing, concentration of predators grows up, and cheetah cubs often become an easy prey for lions, hyenas and other predators.
Third, despite the strict prohibition for hunting, poachers are still a serious danger not only for cheetahs but for many other animals as well.
Another big problem is tourism. The popularity of Maasai Mara is extremely high, thousands of tourists from all corners of the world visit the National Park to admire the world of wildlife. While obeying the park rules they cause almost no problems to wild animals. However, many tourists and tourist companies that organize safaris forget about these rules, thus exposing themselves and animals to danger. Unfortunately guides and tourists began to break these rules more and more often. The park territory is huge. It’s extremely complicated to control it. That’s why guides and tourists frequently do a lot of harm and stay unpunished. This problem became, perhaps, the main objective of our foundation, namely, to try to get tourists and tourist companies staff, who deals with organizing safaris, acquainted in detail with the rules of behavior while visiting national parks, and with what happens with animals and wildlife if these rules are being broken. Beside this we also provide financial assistance to the rangers and research groups of Maasai Mara by purchasing necessary equipment for monitoring animals and control of the movement of tourists.